Accounts: Asset promotion is free but accounts are created exclusively through an email request to ensure the legitimacy and currency of all asset listings.

Online submission: Extremely fast and simple online addition, removal and update of asset listings through features that include single-click updates/removals, drop-down menus for minimum typing and submission of spec-sheets and photographs.

Email submission: You can email your current availability in any format and even if you already have listings, the necessary changes will be taken care of. Furthermore, you can request a table with all your listed assets that you can update and simply email back. The table can be an Excel file or if you want to review and update it without having to open it as an attachment, it can be inserted as text in an email (very convenient if you are reading emails on a mobile device).

Normal listings: MyAirTrade provides the most targeted promotion of available assets through the listings in but also through highly targeted channels such as Updates emails, Partners' services, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Restricted listings: Owners, managers and mandated parties can, under very strict conditions, create "Restricted listings" that have no Serial Number and no contact details. This is a unique service that promotes available assets through MyAirTrade's extensive and highly targeted promotion infrastructure but without anyone knowing the identity of the listing company and the Serial Number of their available assets. Please click here for more information.

Companies promoting available assets through MyAirTrade receive a monthly reminder email to help them maintain their listings current.

In order to enhance the exposure of assets that will become available more than two months after they're listed, these assets are added for a second time to Updates emails when they become available.

Available aircraft // Available engines // Promote available assets
Aircraft listings in FleetIntel are NOT submitted as available to MyAirTrade, they are based exclusively on market research* and they MIGHT be, or soon become, available due to the following conditions:
  1. End of lease approaching based on publicly available information.
  2. Planned/considered for sublease by the operator.
  3. Planned/considered for sale by the owner (for operation or dismantling).

View FleetIntel listings

*Aircraft ownership is provided by IBA

Updates emails with the following content are sent Monday to Friday at 16:00 GMT:

  1. Available aircraft, engines and APUs listed in MyAirTrade during the previous 24 hours
  2. Aircraft listed in FleetIntel during the previous 24 hours

Updates is a free service and it takes just a few seconds to subscribe!